Maxteq is proud to now welcome Nilpeter unto the fold and vice versa. Nilpeter, an often sought-after agency in Australia, has been a partnership that Maxteq has always had within it’s sight. Why? Maxteq’s response is simple, why not? Nilpeter represents not only quality machinery, ease of use, but also boasts a strong track record of installations around the world. Nilpeter Asia Pacific has appointed Maxteq as the new agent to drive sales in Australia and New Zealand. Nilpeter Asia Pacific has managed sales in Australia and New Zealand from its regional headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand, but has now decided to engage a local partner to further support the existing set-up in Australia and to drive future sales. ‘The Australia and New Zealand markets have always been special...

Changes that can make an impact: How to “Green Up” your print room There’s no hiding it; the print industry creates a huge amount of waste that ends up in landfill every day, and consumers are becoming more aware of this, choosing instead to purchase from companies that have sustainable packaging practices. But when things have been done the same way for so long, how do print houses keep up with new consumer demands? Building your Green Print Room Find a sustainable suppliers A sustainable procurement process means before your products even arrive, you’ve already supported recycled materials, saved resources and landfill space. This can include finding soy or water based inks and dyes with a lower environmental impact, that don’t release as many harmful chemicals into the environment when...

Maintaining Anilox Roll Volume Accuracy and consistency are paramount when it comes to customers and their identity on the shelf. Every brand has a logo, a colour, a label, a quick moment to introduce themselves to their customer with their product sitting on a shelf amongst a slew of nearly identical products. Their packing is often their selling point. Your job is to make that packaging accurately and consistently. Perfect, every single time. In order to do that there are hundreds of processes that come together, one of the most important is your anilox. More specifically, your anilox roll volume. Maintaining your anilox roll volume ensures less wastage, less down time, accurate ink film thickness and consistency. The problem many press operators face is knowing exactly what the anilox...